RI Mission Statement
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.




RotaryDaysOfServiceBrochureFY22_digital-  DOWNLOAD HERE





Rotarians in Action in District 6400

Rotarians from the Rotary Club of LaSalle Centennial, Canada visit Nafutsa Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) and Primary School in Dzama Village, The club donated various items for use at the facility.


Jeanne Knopf DeRoche in Ghana helping to build educational programs and schools!







LaSalle Rotarians on the Rotary Cruise with projects in San Juan and St. Kitts



The 2019 Ghana team returned home of Feb 4th from an 18 day Rotary
humanitarian mission. There were 19 members ranging in age from 17 – 75.
Essex, Harrow, Trenton and Taylor Rotarians took part on the team and
raised just over $220,000 for projects representing all six Rotary focus areas.