At the direction of District Governor Noel, a survey was sent to club members in February to obtain feedback on a variety of issues that impact clubs. The survey feedback will assist district leaders with the development of an updated Strategic Plan that guides the district direction for the next 2-5 years.

In summary, here is the information the survey respondents provided:

  • Clubs are seeking district assistance for materials, media plans, promotion and best practices relating to membership. Club cultures, while each unique, need to be inviting, inclusive, flexible, adapted to today’s world, and affordable. Sharing club success is important.
  • Clubs seek district assistance with advertising and promotion that improve Rotary’s public image and community awareness. Increased trainings and identifying resources are suggested.
  • More training and promotion of the benefit that donations to Rotary International provide is important to clubs to increase giving.
  • Clubs would like more assistance to identify grant resources that benefit their service projects. More training and workshops to demystify the grant process is needed at the club level.
  • Clubs are interested in achieving better diversity to reflect their community demographics. District leadership can model diversity and promote diversity and inclusiveness through programs and workshops.
  • In order to create new Rotaract and Rotary clubs, the District should support efforts to expand existing club membership, while providing opportunities and connections for the formation of new clubs, that result in overall district membership increase.
  • The District has good communication with its members with the use of social media, monthly newsletters, and mass emails. In addition, clubs believe that District Conferences are well planned and provide meaningful opportunities for celebration and fellowship.
  • The District could improve service to its members by Increasing opportunities for members to participate on committees or activities at the District level, provide incentives for new members to attend district events, and provide regular opportunities for clubs to offer feedback and suggestions.
  • The District can work to change a widespread belief that serving in club and district leadership takes too much time and is too expensive. In addition, club members are interested in opportunities to participate at the district level.
  • To increase inter-club activities and/or participation in District activities, more promotion is needed. Suggestions provided included holding joint club meetings, having area-wide meetings and creating incentives for participation, including financial incentives.
  • Characteristics that the District should have in three to five years are: Younger, diverse membership, positive public image, increased district wide projects and events, increased number of clubs and members, increased fellowship events, additional club trainings.
  • District Leadership needs to provide a detailed report on the overall progress of the Strategic Plan at a minimum of twice a year: at mid-year, and at District Conference. Communication methods that are currently preferred are virtual meetings, district newsletter and direct emails.
  • The role of the District 6400 is to facilitate connection between the clubs and Rotary International; to support club projects and activities, and to encourage collaboration in individual communities and throughout the district.
  • The role of the Zone is to provide resources and training to the District and District leadership


District leaders will develop a 2-5 year strategic plan, with action goals based on the feedback obtained from the survey.